Women above the age of 60
Every day it is harder for my grandmother to go to her medical check-up, because the building is not accessible. There are stairs that don’t have wheelchair accessibility, and the small rooms and hallways do not allow for her wheelchair to fit. When she arrives, she has to wait – it seems like nobody cares that she waits an hour for her appointment. When she is finally seen by a doctor, they treat her as if she were a small child, incapable of understanding or making decisions on her own accord. It’s as if she’s been converted into a stupid person, as if she hasn’t done so many great things with her life. It’s not just about treating a woman of over eighty years with respect and attention, but about having empathy for others; since she’s turned sixty, she’s had to cope with people who treat her as if she were a relic from a past world. My grandmother raised a family that succeeded in life due to her hard work and her life force, and nobody notices that now. My grandma deserves peace and autonomy over her health and wellbeing, but I think that people who make the laws have never stopped to consider the humanity of their elders, or thought about the fact that within twenty-five years, they, too will be part of this demographic.
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Women above the age of 60
2022 | €240
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