In High School

In the third grade “A” high school classroom at José Vasconcelos High School:

It’s noon. Everyone is hard at work in their textbooks. The chemistry teacher grades homework at the front of the class. A student raises her hand:

–Teacher, Carlos is harassing me.

–That’s not true, teacher, says Carlos.

–It is true. He’s passing me notes with drawings all over them.

–That’s not harassment, says Carlos.

–Of course, it is, when he makes those drawings that say he wants to fuck with me.

–Carlos, what’s going on? says the professor.

–It’s her fault, sir, her skirt is so short. I was kidding.

–That has nothing to do with it. You’re a creep who doesn’t respect me.

–Well, the truth is you shouldn’t wear a skirt that short, missy, says the teacher.

–What does that have to do with anything, teacher?

–These boys can’t help themselves. Tomorrow I don’t want to see you in that skirt, and if I do,  I’ll report you. Now get back to work.

My skirt is not short, your education is!

My skirt is not short, your education is!

In High School

2022 | €240

* 15% of the proceeds will go to an organisation that helps people who are looking for their missing loved ones in Mexico